Forma Vesuvii – Volcanic Morphology at the time the 79 AD plinian etuption

Inserito da: · Ottobre 21, 2022

Forma Vesuvii

Volcanic Morphology at the time the 79 AD plinian etuption

Estratto da Physis Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza 20211-2 (LVI)


C. Principe, A. Paolillo, S La Felice, S. Arrighi


Thids work is aimed at reconstructing the morphology of the volcanic edifice of Vesuvius before the most famous eruption that occurred in 79 AD, destroyed the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae, and was described by Pliny the Younger. This result has been achieved by using both volcanological data and historical documents. The previous history of the volcano and the distribution of the deposits of the 79 AD eruption has been used as a guide for the reconstruction of the pre-eruptive morphology. This is consistent with the few indications given by the ancient writings and the frescoes found during archaeological excavations in Pompeii and Herculaneum.

C Principe, A Paolillo, S La Felice, S Arrighi – Forma Vesuvii – 2 – Volcanic Morphology at the time the 79 AD plinian etuption – Estratto da Physis Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza 20211-2 (LV

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